Registration Agreement


I provide specific eligibility requirements for the Gold Circle on Gateway to Gold.  Please read and make sure you understand that entire document prior to joining the program.  Here is the link:

In summary, to join either the Gold Circle or the Golden Gateway, you must be over 18 years old. You may not be under the care of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. You cannot be following a guru or a spiritual advisor. It is preferable that you are not tied to a religion anymore. You should not be on any sort of drugs; and if you use drugs for recreation, you should understand that you will probably quit using those drugs as you let go. If you are involved in Alcoholics Anonymous, you can join the Gold Circle; however, you will eliminate any need for that program if you let go.

Clarification of Use of the Gold Circle and the Golden Gateway Material

This is not a learning program.  It is a support program in letting go and gaining freedom.  You will not receive a degree or a certificate for your participation.  I expect that you have come here for freedom, not to learn.  If that is not the case, please do not enroll.  

You do not have permission to use any of the information on this site in articles, courses, lectures, workshops, apps, blogs, videos, etc.  You are not permitted to teach this information or use it for private practice.  This information is for your OWN personal use ONLY.  Others who are not enrolled in the Gold Circle or Golden Gateway may not access the articles or listen to the calls.  I’m not one for rules or restrictions.  I do this for safety reasons.  If this information is not presented in the proper context and order, and ONLY to people who know how to let go, it can cause level confusion, which will harm their minds.  It will put them even deeper into the illusion.  


I provide a wealth of free information on my and websites. The information in the Gold Circle program builds on the free material.  It is highly recommend that you read the free information before signing up for the Gold Circle. The information in the Golden Gateway program builds on the Gold Circle program.  Therefore, you must do the Gold Circle program prior to enrolling in the Golden Gateway program.  I do not give refunds because I am so transparent and offer so much free material.  You should know what you are getting into before you join.  It is important that you understand that this is a program for mental freedom using various techniques for letting go.  This is not a spiritual development program; it is also not a learning program.  That being said, letting go does enhance one’s sense of spirituality, and you do come to know the truth of life.  

Privacy Policy

All personal information on this member website is kept confidential.  Anything you share in the comments or group calls is only accessible to other members of my programs.  I do not provide member information to any organization, nor do I sell information to any list service.  No credit card information is stored on this website for your safety. 

For Your Safety and Health

In the program, I talk about the fact that the initiates said to never fix effects when you have a problem.  That statement is an ideal or goal. It’s not advice, a rule, or a commandment. We want to work toward that ideal.  It is very important that you act conservatively when it comes to your mental and physical health and safety.  I don’t know you or your situation.  I don’t give medical advice, and I don’t have a medical background or degree.   I encourage you to always let go before taking action unless you are in a life-threatening or emergency situation, or you feel like you can’t let the problem go. Then you should seek the advice of your doctor or health practitioner immediately.

While in your doctor’s care, I recommend that you continue to let go. But put their advice over whatever I have suggested. After you have returned to health, you can go back to letting go on that topic. Most people can’t let go easily when they are sick, and obviously they can’t let go if they are dead. Self care is essential. And it’s your full responsibility while in this program to take good care of your body.

You also want to take good care of your mind.  It is essential for your mental well-being that you read these articles slowly, completely, and in the order that they are presented.  The order of the articles is very specific and important.  The information builds gently.  Reading slowly allows you to feel emotions in your body so that you can catch beliefs to let go as they arise.  You do not want to read this material like you are reading a novel or a textbook.  Initiation is not schooling; it’s unschooling.

You can go back to old articles at any time.  You can also read Quick Topic articles at any time.  But you must not approach this website like a library or reading room and skip around with the basic articles.  If you skip around, you will encounter concepts that you don’t understand, and that could cause an excessive amount of emotion or body discomfort with no specific belief to let go.  Also your mind will be more likely to memorize the material, which is not the result that you want to achieve. You want to free your mind, not fill it with more beliefs and knowledge.

These articles are written to bring up beliefs to let go.  So you need to take frequent breaks as you read.  Whenever you feel emotions or pain in your body, stop and let go until you feel calm again. This program is designed for you to move at your own pace; don’t be impatient.  Impatience thwarts your progress.  

There’s nothing like the Gold Circle.  It’s all original material.  I discovered all of this by letting go myself.  There is no channeled material on this website.  Nothing is theory.  I’ve tested everything I wrote about on myself and many others.  Therefore, I have proven that you can’t harm your mind by letting go.  All harm is caused by holding on to beliefs and second-cause knowledge.  Everything that I’ve exposed as false is truly false.

Sometimes people think that they are letting go when they are actually holding on; that’s normal. When they do that, they get very emotional.  If things are getting too intense for you, take some time off or slow down.  There is no competition in initiation.  There is no race.  All progress is good progress.  You have eternity to complete initiation. So take things slow.

Copyright Notice

I do not give permission for anyone to copy any information in the Gold Circle or Golden Gateway for any purpose.  As I stated above, that’s because the information is very context sensitive. In the wrong context, the information could be harmful to another.

Given that I expose the work of others, and I must quote their work to do that, I have to post this disclaimer for the use of Copyright material. Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.