GG: New To The Golden Gateway? Start Here
This is an introduction to the Golden Gateway program, which is basically Cathy unleashed. There is nothing I won’t cover in this program.
This is an introduction to the Golden Gateway program, which is basically Cathy unleashed. There is nothing I won’t cover in this program.
A lot of people have been asking me about taking the vaccine for the Corona virus. Should they get the jab? Will their loved ones be okay? They are missing the point. The jab is the effect, not the cause. In this article, we remove the causal beliefs that eliminate the whole jab issue.
This is a deep dive into the meaning of incongruence. As initiates, congruence is part of our North Star, whether we acknowledge that or not. But what does true congruence mean? We actually come to know congruence by understanding and letting go of the incongruence from our past.
Buckminster Fuller Years ago, I saw a live theater production on life as seen from the eyes of R. Buckminster Fuller, i.e., Bucky (pictured left). You’ve probably heard of him. He was the inventor of the geodesic dome. The play
Along the initiation path, we encounter beliefs that are very popular. It doesn’t occur to us to let them go until someone points out why they are false. In this article, we look at the typical beliefs of the afterlife.
In initiation, we use the word freedom as our North Star. But you can use any True Self word. This article explains the creation process and the importance of choosing the right North Star.
In every conversation, we feel the pull to agree with others; or we vehemently disagree with them. This article is all the tricks I know for getting off that triangle bottom.
Two of the most misunderstood concepts in initiation are win win and the alchemical marriage. So we do a deep dive on this topic.
Two of the most misunderstood concepts in initiation are win win and the alchemical marriage. So we do a deep dive on this topic.
This article began as a strange experience with a friend; and it morphed into a deep look into the desires of souls. It offers examples for letting go of the soul and clones. It talks about the challenges of relationships when others in our lives are not letting go. It’s advanced material that goes deep. If you find this article to be uncomfortable or confusing, skip it until after you do some decodes. Come back when you feel ready.
This article began as a strange experience with a friend; and it morphed into a deep look into the desires of souls. It offers examples for letting go of the soul and clones. It talks about the challenges of relationships when others in our lives are not letting go. It’s advanced material that goes deep. If you find this article to be uncomfortable or confusing, skip it until after you do some decodes. Come back when you feel ready.
I get this popular question all of the time, and there is no short answer. Everything I’ve written was in response to this question. So in this article, we explore this question from many angles; and we work to eliminate the question from our minds once and for all.
This was a long impromptu call from 6/26/21. We covered a range of topics. The highlight was a discussion of the weak versus the strong feminine. We can’t remain free in the illusion without a strong dark goddess.
This is the first part of a three-part decode of Moses’s story. In part one, we dive deeply into the background of Moses’s story, his birth, his battle with the Egyptian Pharaoh, the plagues, and Moses’s exodus from Egypt.
This is the second part of Moses’s story. In this part, we look at Moses’s journey with the children of Israel, including the parting of the Red Sea. We also look at the Ten Commandments.
This is the last installment of Moses’s story. It describes his journey around the desert with the children of Israel and tells us a lot about the man Moses and his mental programming.
Cain and Abel is a core story in the Old Testament. It is a story about envy; and envy is a big theme in our soul’s programming that often goes unnoticed. So often, there is discord among siblings in a family, and the cause can be traced back to the story of Cain and Abel
This article is meant to be done as a daily challenge to help you develop decoding skills. It is a collection of sayings from Thomas, who wrote down many quotes that were spoken by Jesus. You read and let go on each quote for a day; then I help you to decode it.
This is second half of the Gospel of Thomas challenge. It has some of my favorite sayings of Jesus in it.
In this article, we decode the MOB mindset. We look at roles, projection, pyramids of power, clones, and much more. Most of us are not part of a MOB; but the mindset is familiar to all of us.
This is a challenge to push your mind to see the illusion but not believe it. It’s based on the very popular, but highly controversial book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is another segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is another segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is another segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is another segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is another segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
This is the last segment of our challenge on the book by Robert Greene, “The 48 Laws of Power.”
Using Story to Escape the Illusion Many people today think that the New Age is a truth movement; they believe everything they hear from spiritual teachers. The New Age teachings sound fresh and light…nothing like traditional religion. However, the New
A set of instructions known as the “Ten Commandments for Con Men” has been attributed to Count Lustig, who we discussed back in one of Greene’s first laws. That now seems like eons ago. Let’s take a look at these laws. On
This is an article that contains a lot of small articles. This was called announcements on the old membership site. Each article is something that I observed while helping others or cleaning up my own mind, but none of the topics deserved a whole article.
This is an article that contains a lot of small articles. It was called announcements on the old membershp site. Each article is something that I observed while helping others or cleaning up my own mind, but none of the topics deserved a whole article.
This is just more tricks and traps and a lot of little stories and helpful information in small bites.
These are more short articles about tricks and traps that I’m discovering or remembering as I clean out all debris from doing the Gold Circle. Often I’ve covered the trick or trap before, but not in this way. It’s good review material. Also, each section is short and focused on only one topic.
These are more short articles about tricks and traps that I’m discovering or remembering as I clean out all debris from doing the Gold Circle. Often I’ve covered the trick or trap before, but not in this way. It’s good review material. Also, each section is short and focused on only one topic. I recommend doing no more than one per day.
Like the other tricks and traps article, this is a mix of lots of different topics. All of them are short. Some of them are current events. Some are topics that I noticed needed some extra work or explanation.
Like the other Tricks and Traps articles, this is a mix of lots of different topics. All of them are short. Some of them are current events. Some are topics that I noticed needed some extra work or explanation. You should find all of them to be helpful.
Tricks and Traps started as one small article that didn’t seem big enough to be its own article. I liked the format, so I kept adding more short articles. These short posts are great to use as letting go prompts. Let your inspiration choose the article that you want to focus on. Or go back to an article that you’ve worked on before, and see if it seems different now.
This is a collection of more short articles. I write about them as they come up. They are designed to push you deeper into topics where you might think you hold NO beliefs.
This is a collection of more short articles. I write about them as they come up. They are designed to push you deeper into topics where you might think you hold NO beliefs.
Many people have told me that they “resonated” with the writings of Lao-Tzu and the Tao. But did they just like the pretty words? Or did they really understand what was being said? In this challenge, we decode the “Tao Te Ching.”
Many people have told me that they “resonated” with the writings of Lao-Tzu and the Tao. But did they just like the pretty words? Or did they really understand what was being said? In this challenge, we decode the “Tao Te Ching.”
This five-part article is everything that you ever wanted to know about the beauty clone and more. In my opinion, the beauty clone is the most resistant clone to letting go, which is why I saved it for last. We’re going to begin by examining the mental side of the beauty clone…the cause.
In part II, we continue to look at the beauty clone (and all clones) from the mental point of view. What is it that distinguishes the beautiful mind from the ugly mind? That’s a big question, and answering that question takes us right to the core beliefs for all clones.
In part III, we continue to look at the beautiful mind. What is it that distinguishes the beautiful mind from the ugly mind? Sadly, we have become so used to ugly minds that the notion of the beautiful mind sounds radical or even impossible.
This article was inspired by the word resonance, but it is so much more. It’s one of the most difficult articles that I ever written because it digs deep into the core of the illusion. It’s like taking a jackhammer to your soul programming and all of your clones.
This is the first installment of my decode of Jesus’s story. This part focuses on Jesus’s birth, which is metaphorically the original birth of our own True Self.
This is the second part of Jesus’s story. Now we get to learn of Jesus’s inciting incident. He fell too.
This is the third installment of Jesus’s story decode. The most important parts of this segment are the Temptation scene with Satan and the Sermon on the Mount.
This is part four of Jesus’s story decode. This installment features alchemy and Jesus’s interaction with the money changers.
This is the fifth part of the Jesus story decode. It’s all about healing. Jesus didn’t heal like anyone else.
This is part six of Jesus’s story decode. This section focuses on the transfiguration and the story of Lazarus (the dude that supposedly came back from the dead).
We are taught to believe that words have power. But actually words have no power unless we give them power. This quick topic is a shortcut. If you can understand what I’m saying, you will get free much more quickly.
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