GC-0: Welcome To Earth Rehab
This article explains what to expect from the Gold Circle program. It gives hints and tips to improve your experience, to provide enjoyment, and to ensure success for program members.
This article explains what to expect from the Gold Circle program. It gives hints and tips to improve your experience, to provide enjoyment, and to ensure success for program members.
This was the first “Ask Cathy Anything” call. It has a variety of common questions and a few letting go techniques.
This article focuses on the history of story and how we can all use story to facilitate letting go. I give some specific writing for freedom exercises and a few tips.
This article focuses on using writing to solve problems. I provide guidance on how to do that and on the common tricks and traps that arise in the process.
This article is about reading in a way that supports letting go and freedom. I expose some of the common traps of reading, learning, and memorizing that we all got from traditional education.
This group call covers some of the basic questions that arise when people begin letting go. We discuss clones, desires, hating emotions, being too serious, projection, fantasy, meditation, vibration, and more.
Western Meditation, or witnessing our minds, is at the core of letting go. It allows us to know what is in our mind so that we can start to discriminate.
Repetitive thinking is false thinking, and it results in sustained emotion or problems. When we see repetitive thinking as false, we eliminate it. The related effects disappear.
This article describes the Three Steps of letting go. I call them the map to freedom. The Steps include letting go from the masculine mind or role and from the feminine mind or role.
This group call focuses primarily on western meditation; it contains several guided meditations. Then there is a question and answer session.
In this article, we explore the difference between true and false desires. Understanding desires helps you stay on your path to freedom.
This is a somewhat satirical article that’s about looking below the surface of what you see in someone so that you know if you can trust them or not. I use Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to illustrate my points.
The election of 2016 was a big turning point in America. For the second time in American history, the globalists were on the chopping block. We now have the possibility of a win-win government.
This is a Group Call on the GC-3 material. It includes a variety of topics like taking action, feeling trapped, the character game, and being frozen.
This is a comprehensive article about the nature of the clone. We discuss how a clone is formed in our false mind and the history of the clone as seen through stories.
This article describes a little game that I used to play with a friend. I’ve adapted the game to facilitate letting go. Using games is a fun way to let go; it breaks up the monotony.
In this article, we review two movies in order to understand relationships and false-self connections. Then I explain how to use the character game to clean up relationship issues.
In this recording and article, I answered a variety of questions and gave some specific suggestions for dismantling and dealing with clones in our mind and in our life.
This article explores the Jewish origins of the clone in the Old Testament of the Bible. We look at how those beliefs are still in play today. We also explore many popular clones, and I explain why those clones are false and why they block our freedom.
It was said that the Seven Deadly Sins send one to hell. In this article, we’ll take a look at the notion of heaven and hell, and we’ll review the metaphorical meaning of the Seven Deadly Sins. You’ll see why I say that Heaven is our natural state of mind…a perspective, not a place.
This article has several different versions of the Guardian Game. Each version comes from a different angle. While they all lead to the same end goal, they are designed to bring up different false beliefs and false desires.
This group call and narrative answered questions about challenges that are common in relationships. It includes two guided sessions. It also covers parents, false-self connections, and judgment.
This article is all about physical and mental roles. Understanding roles is critical to escaping the illusion. Without understanding, roles can be our biggest trap and a huge source of frustration.
This article is about horse breaking, which is very much like human breaking. If we can understand how we were broken as children, and let that go, we can move toward true partnership in adulthood.
This is an article about going backwards in our mind in order to go forward in our life. We don’t like to go back because we don’t want to feel old emotions. But going back doesn’t have to be traumatic if you know how to let go.
This group calls includes: tackling tough memories, emotions, projection, transference, redirection, and unconditional love.
Most of us won’t be world leaders. Some of us will be leaders in a small way. But all of us will be leaders of our own life. This article is an introduction to the inner workings of great leadership.
This article is about using our minds correctly in an illusion that doesn’t encourage correct use of our minds. We look at common beliefs and ancient and modern stories while discriminating between true and false.
In the illusion, we are often told to have faith and trust only to be disappointed. In this article, we explore those words, and I explain why those words are actually a big trap.
In this group call and article, we look mostly at healing. We need to catch whenever our thinking starts to go in the wrong direction so that we can minimize the unwanted effects, get right back to letting go, and gain freedom and perfect health.
“The Legend” was the story that took me into the illusion and also helped me to get back out. It’s like a map for initiation. In this article, I’ll share the history of “The Legend.” We’ll also decode the story and let go of lots of common beliefs.
We create drama when we embellish a story for show. Drama adds emotion to a story. Reasoning is used to slow down or suppress unwanted emotions. In this article, we explore the use of drama and reasoning. Then we compare those false ways of using our mind to letting go.
Responsibility to our True Self is very different from responsibility to clones. In this article, we explore the difference. Understanding our mind and taking responsibility for our mind is crucial to bringing our story full circle.
This group call focuses on the fear of exposure. But then we discuss many other topics like submission, trust, polarity, certainty, conviction, bullying, and vision. We also talk about dowsing and muscle testing.
Roles tend to be very confusing when we first step on the path of initiation. That’s because we’ve come to accept false leadership as normal. In this article, I explain true and false roles, including the history and cosmology that created the illusion. We eliminate the masculine-feminine dilemma, so that we can enjoy the dance of life as a free one.
This article is a decode of the book/movie “The Shack.” It combined modern Christian ideas and the New Age into one big mess. I use the story to expose a lot of common beliefs about God, religion, spirituality, and life.
This article covers everything that I’ve learned about unconditional love, conditional love, lust, romance, partnership, marriage, and more as I’ve walked the path of initiation.
This Group Call focused on a variety of topics from the GC-9 material as well as some questions about current events. We looked at the same topics through the lens of collective issues.
This article explores success, money, deserving what we get, win win versus win lose, and how to take score of your own financial strength. We also explore success and money beliefs, we dissect some triangles, and we explore some metaphors.
This article uses the documentary film to discuss beliefs, the illusion, and letting go. It helps us understand the difference between a perspective that comes from the True Self versus the perspective that comes from a clone.
This is an in-depth look at the beliefs that cause the false-self connection. We also discuss roles in general and how different kinds of roles contribute to the false connection.
This group call covered a few major topics: listening and being feminine to others, inciting incidents, the three-act story structure, and knowing thyself.
This article is everything you wanted to know about projection but didn’t think to ask. We take a look at projection from many different angles so that you can start eliminating it from your life.
Horrible voices come in the form of scary voices, annoying voices, lying voices, and repetitive voices. They’re strong voices that we no longer want in our minds. So they can actually be any false voice, even a positive one. In this article, we work on letting such false voices go.
In this article, I discuss four films that address motivation and willpower versus inspiration, turning a normal life into a full-circle story, the imposition of beliefs on others, and freedom from false oppression. Each film is unique and great material for letting go.
This group call and narrative cover a range of subjects…healing, memorization, gaming, doing things your own way, and more. We discuss many old topics in a new way.
This long article discussed the fall of the soul, and the false idea of ascension. In order to expose these very popular false beliefs, we decode the mental history of humans starting with “the fall.”
Make sure you read Part I of this article first. In Part II, we look deeply at various ascension teachings; and we discriminate so that we can understand why such teachings are false.
This is an example of an actual mentoring session that I did with Phil and Kelly. It demonstrates how I work with someone in order to push them to let go and to free them from false connections with others.
This article is about relationships. We examine how our relationships affect our health, finances, and more. We observe relationship issues from many angles. We discuss common techniques that don’t work, and we look at using letting go to improve and heal relationship problems of all kinds.
This was a follow-up with Phil and Kelly in order to see what changed since the recorded mentoring session I did with them. They provided a lot of insight and exposed a few common traps in this recording. I also added commentary about birth, death and everything in between; and I discussed the topic of time and space.
The movie, “Beatriz at Dinner” is a great film for understanding the giant divide that tends to exist between liberal-progressives and conservatives, Christians and New Agers, and other groups that are divided on the false patriarchal and matriarchal triangle bottom. We gather a lot of insight as we decode this very interesting film.
In this article, we’re going to take a close look at blame. Blame is such a big part of most relationships, but it shouldn’t be. Blame keeps the relationship stuck on the triangle bottom. Blame results in false connections and projection. Blame often appears falsely freeing to clones; but it actually keeps everyone stuck in the illusion.
Positive thinking is a real trap because it creates a clone that looks like a True Self. Fear of being negative causes people to hold on to their positive clone, then they can’t get free.
In this group call, I turned the tables and had Phil and Kelly ask me questions that they had when they first found Gateway To Gold or they still have. Some of our discussion tied into Beatriz and Doug.
Today everyone is seeking the truth. But how do they know when they’ve found it? How do they know that they aren’t just putting more false beliefs into their mind? That’s what we explore in this article.
This article dives much deeper into the structure of the false mind using the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty, as an example. I also write about a new game to use when you get tired of the old ones.
In 2017, there was a solar eclipse that caught everyone’s attention. In this article, we take a look at the metaphors and beliefs that were part of that event and much more.
This group call went in an odd direction. We worked on relationships, communication, love, and how we soothe our emotions. It’s much different than other articles that touched on the same topics.
The movie, “The Secret” was very popular when it came out in 2006; it had a false, but seemingly powerful message. The people who delivered the so-called secret were clones using level confusion. In this article, I prove that the secret wasn’t really a secret; and it definitely wasn’t true.
In this article, we take an overall look at the topic of healing. Then we look at an interesting character from a documentary about Balinese healing in order to see what is really going on mentally in the healing process.
This article explains why we get stuck in the illusion, why letting go seems impossible at times, and why others can’t understand what we’re talking about when we try to explain letting go.
This group call covers a lot of different topics. We discuss prophecy, expectations, immortality, desires, the collective mindset, the life blueprint, and playing initiation like a game.
In this article, we confront science. Often someone does an incredible experiment that seems to prove the illusion to be real and true. That science supports and fuels our clones, which makes it even harder to let go. Most science today is actually pseudoscience.
In this article, we go beyond our previous discussion of eastern beliefs. So many people come to the Gold Circle for freedom, but they have level confused TRUTH clones that keep them very stuck.
Eckhart Tolle is a very popular western guru. He claims to have found enlightenment. But in this article, we are going to explore his claim. We’re going to look at the story and the teachings of this man. Is he a True Self or just a clone?
Several great topics came up in this call. Most important, we got to go through a real-life incident, complete with body metaphors, from someone who had a guru like Eckhart Tolle. We also discussed win win, creative leadership, power, hypocrisy, and grace in the call and the narrative.
In this article, I address three different stories, all having to do with the binding beliefs of western religion. These stories demonstrate the depths of the illusion; and they help us to better understand how to escape the illusion.
In this article, I talk about a play that was focused on a real life collective experience. In addition, I share how the macrocosmic situation in the play brought up a microcosmic memory for me, which I had to let go.
This is the last official Gold Circle article. In it we pull some loose ends together, we look at a few topics that needed a little more explanation, we decode some stories, and I explain what comes next for you in the Golden Gateway.
There are two calls in this one article. We focused a lot on the fear of punching up and the notion of revealing or concealing in our speaking. We also discussed being direct, going unleashed, and congruence…the natural effects of leading from our True Selves.
This article is a short reminder of the basics of letting go. It is helpful for those moments when your mind seems to go blank.
In this article, I focus on projection and reasoning. I find that most people project and reason habitually; they don’t catch when they do either. So they miss out on the valuable feedback that they are getting from the others. In fact, they often break the mirror, which is very damaging to the relationship.
In this article, I describe the history behind the creation of the character game. I discuss how to use the game to defeat the clones in your mind so that you can achieve the ultimate goal of a well-told, beautiful full-circle story.
This article examines some potent beliefs spoken by a dying woman. It shows how a run-away false mind causes problems, disease, suffering, and even death. When we take control of our mind and let go, however, that which we label miracles can happen.
This is an article about my adventures with jury duty. Sometimes, we have to venture into the bowels of the illusion. This article tells you how to do that without compromising your True Self.
This was an interview that I did with Kelly from the Golden Gateway. She had an interesting full-circle experience as someone who was trained and certified to be an acupuncturist, but she found initiation and became an acupuncture exposer instead.
“The Snake” was spoken by candidate Trump in 2015. It’s a story that provides a powerful lesson at the physical level of perception. But it can also be decoded at the mental level of perception, which helps us to get free of Serpent clones.
I saw this video and knew that I had to decode it. People are often confused as to how to use my writing or how to work with me. I understand. I’m not like other experts, gurus, teachers, healers, etc. This article will help you to understand my point of view so you can get to freedom more easily, safely, and quickly.
I often get compared to Byron Katie, but we’re nothing alike. So in this article, I explain why Byron Katie is not teaching initiation or letting go. Also, she’s very likely a tool for the globalists.
Everyone wants to have great relationships, but most people find it impossible to fulfill that desire. The key is found in understanding roles. This short article goes right to the core of role confusion. It can help you to bring your relationships issues full circle.
Recently, I saw an interesting interview by a Christian of two Satanist. I actually enjoyed it; I enjoy hearing how people think. It’s great practice in being nonjudgmental. As you’ll see, this wasn’t very different from a discussion between someone religious and a New Ager. They just had different labels.
This is a decode of one man’s life, which was portrayed in a documentary. Watch how I make sense of his story by using the Serpent and the false God as the template. The decode exposes what he would need to let go in order to escape the illusion and heal his body.
One of the hardest concepts to understand in initiation is the difference between the True Self’s uniqueness and a clones’ purpose in life. In this article, we examine that difference in several different ways.
A Win-Win North Star is Outside of the Illusion When the win-win point of view combined with letting go came to me via inspiration in the early 1990’s, it was so easy for me to do. I felt like I’d
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